Ibogaine & YOU

There’s no such thing as a magic bullet, but this is pretty dang close.

Ibogaine is the ONLY product in combination with Oxidative/Ozone therapy that can remove opiate and other addictions WITH little or no harsh withdrawal symptoms. Imagine a more ideal medication to treat drug addiction and dependence. The requirements for such a medication would include the ability to reduce withdrawal symptoms as well as to reduce post-treatment cravings.

The most common application of Ibogaine therapy is in the treatment of substance use disorders. Ibogaine has been shown to decrease the self-administration of stimulants, opiates and alcohol, as well as to significantly reduce the withdrawal symptoms from opiates after a single administration.1 Other research shows a reduction of developed tolerance to opiates and alcohol, and a significant decrease in cravings for opiates and cocaine for an extended period of time after treatment.